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The orchestra was founded in 2004 by Alex Reid in order to bring together graduate musicians dispersed across the university and town and provide a sociable environment in which to rehearse and meet other like-minded musicians. The Orchestra gave its first concert conducted by Peter Tregear in March 2005.
The Cambridge Graduate Orchestra welcomes graduates, post graduates, fellows, mature students and other interested instrumentalists from within the university and city. Rehearsals occur throughout the calendar year.

This statement explains how the Cambridge Graduate Orchestra handles and uses the personal inforamtion we collect about our members and people applying to join the orchestra for processes relating to our operations and activities.
When changes are made to this statement, we will publish the updated version on our website.
The controller for your personal information is the Cambridge Graduate Orchestra. The person responsible for data protection within our society is the Secretary who can be contacted at secretary@cambridgegraduateorchestra.com
How we use your personal information
We collect and process your personal information for a number of purposes, including:
- Maintaining your name and email address so we can communicate with you
- Keeping a record of the instrument(s) you play so we know whether we have enough players for a concert
- Keeping a record of your college (if applicable) as this can be helpful for booking rehearsal and performance venues
- Keeping a record of whether you have paid your membership fees
- Maintaining a formal record of your activities with us
- Managing complaints made to us
Our normal legal basis for processing your personal information is that we believe it is in our legitimate interests to do so, in order for the society to run effectively and efficiently, and as we only collect and use minimal information for the limited purposes listed here we do not consider that your own interests override ours. If we use your personal information outside of the purposes listed here, we will seek your consent to do so in advance.
We keep your personal information for as long as we need it, and usually for 1 year after your membership ceases.
How we share your personal information
- Personal information is not shared outside of the society and its members
- We use University IT facilities to store electronic copies of personal information
- We are sometimes asked by other musical socities to help fix players. In this case we will ask for your explicit consent before we tell another society your name, email address and the instrument you play
We may also be subject to a legal requirement (with or without your consent) to share your personal information with the University or a government agency (such as the police or security services or other statutory authorities with investigatory powers) under special circumstances (e.g. relating to tax, crime or health and safety). Where feasible and appropriate, we will notify you of our intention to share such information in advance.
Your rights
You have the right to access the personal information that we hold about you. You also have the right to ask us to correct any inaccurate personal information we hold about you, to delete personal information, or otherwise restrict our processing, or to object to processing or communications, or to receive an electronic copy of the personal information you provided to us. Please note that all of these rights are qualified in various ways.
If you have questions or concerns about how your personal information is used, please contact us using the above details.
If you remain unhappy with the way your information is being handled, or with the response received from us, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF (https://ico.org.uk/).
Last updated: 21 May 2018